1. Semaphore Pattern

A semaphore is a synchronization pattern/primitive that imposes mutual exclusion on a limited number of resources.

1.1. Implementation

package semaphore

var (
    ErrNoTickets      = errors.New("semaphore: could not aquire semaphore")
    ErrIllegalRelease = errors.New("semaphore: can't release the semaphore without acquiring it first")

// Interface contains the behavior of a semaphore that can be acquired and/or released.
type Interface interface {
    Acquire() error
    Release() error

type implementation struct {
    sem     chan struct{}
    timeout time.Duration

func (s *implementation) Acquire() error {
    select {
    case s.sem <- struct{}{}:
        return nil
    case <-time.After(s.timeout):
        return ErrNoTickets

func (s *implementation) Release() error {
    select {
    case _ = <-s.sem:
        return nil
    case <-time.After(s.timeout):
        return ErrIllegalRelease

    return nil

func New(tickets int, timeout time.Duration) Interface {
    return &implementation{
        sem:     make(chan struct{}, tickets),
        timeout: timeout,

1.2. Usage

1.2.1. Semaphore with Timeouts

tickets, timeout := 1, 3*time.Second
s := semaphore.New(tickets, timeout)

if err := s.Acquire(); err != nil {

// Do important work

if err := s.Release(); err != nil {

1.2.2. Semaphore without Timeouts (Non-Blocking)

tickets, timeout := 0, 0
s := semaphore.New(tickets, timeout)

if err := s.Acquire(); err != nil {
    if err != semaphore.ErrNoTickets {

    // No tickets left, can't work :(
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