1. Generator Pattern

Generators) yields a sequence of values one at a time.

1.1. Implementation

func Count(start int, end int) chan int {
    ch := make(chan int)

    go func(ch chan int) {
        for i := start; i <= end ; i++ {
            // Blocks on the operation
            ch <- i


    return ch

1.2. Usage

fmt.Println("No bottles of beer on the wall")

for i := range Count(1, 99) {
    fmt.Println("Pass it around, put one up,", i, "bottles of beer on the wall")
    // Pass it around, put one up, 1 bottles of beer on the wall
    // Pass it around, put one up, 2 bottles of beer on the wall
    // ...
    // Pass it around, put one up, 99 bottles of beer on the wall

fmt.Println(100, "bottles of beer on the wall")
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